Remote teams in SaaS: Navigating culture across borders


Balancing the benefits of a distributed workforce with the evolving dynamics of the SaaS industry.

In the rapidly changing world of SaaS, the ability to harness the power of remote teams is becoming a defining factor for success. As companies tap into global talent pools, they're presented with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. This article aims to guide SaaS founders through the intricacies of building a cohesive remote team culture, emphasising the importance of aligning with the company's vision and values, and navigating the complexities of international operations.

The challenges of building a remote culture

For SaaS founders, fostering a remote culture that aligns with the company's vision and values is paramount. Mikael Nilsson of Speechmatics points out the organic evolution of hiring in younger companies, emphasising the importance of “making explicit and intentional decisions that people and the business understand.” This sentiment becomes even more crucial when considering remote teams, where clarity in decision-making can bridge the gap of physical distance.

Another challenge is the balance between flexibility and structure. As the job market competition intensifies, offering remote work becomes a significant advantage. However, as Nilsson warns, “forcing employees to arbitrarily come into an office will mean closing off a big portion of the candidate pool.”

The evolving landscape of remote work

While the shift towards remote work has been largely employee-led, there's a noticeable trend, especially among some prominent U.S. companies, of calling employees back to the office. This "return to the office" movement underscores the belief that in-person interactions foster creativity, collaboration, and company culture. However, it's essential to strike a balance, recognising the benefits of remote work while addressing its challenges.

What do employees want?

The pandemic accelerated the trend of remote work, with many employees valuing the flexibility that remote work offers. Laura Beales from Tally Market observes the market's mood as cautious yet optimistic, noting that “We are seeing more flexible offerings that are fully serviced, in order to entice businesses to stay engaged in spaces.”

Emily Lincoln-Gordon from Attest provides a unique perspective on this, stating, “At Attest, we've always invested heavily in ensuring there's an office space for folks to come to...what we believe is important is that the space is here should they want it, as opposed to because we have some ulterior motive to getting them into it.” This sentiment underscores the value employees place on autonomy and trust.

The allure of international living

One of the undeniable perks of remote work is the freedom to live or travel in different countries. This flexibility allows employees to immerse themselves in new cultures, gain fresh perspectives, and even improve their quality of life. However, this benefit comes with its challenges. For companies, there's the risk of permanent establishment, which could lead to local tax implications. It's essential for businesses to be aware of local regulations and ensure they're not inadvertently creating a taxable presence in another country.

Adapting to the loss of office osmosis in hybrid teams

The transition to hybrid work has introduced a phenomenon termed as the "loss of office osmosis." In traditional office settings, spontaneous interactions, quick brainstorming sessions, and watercooler moments occurred organically. These informal communications often led to innovation, problem-solving, and team bonding. In a hybrid environment, these serendipitous moments are harder to come by. Managers need to find ways to replicate this osmosis, ensuring that the team remains collaborative, innovative, and cohesive.

The role of the hybrid team manager

In the era of hybrid work, the role of the team manager has evolved significantly. Managers are now faced with the challenge of balancing the needs of individual team members, who may have varying preferences for remote and in-office work, with the overall goals and targets of the team. This complexity is further compounded by the diverse personal circumstances of employees, from those who have relocated to care for loved ones to those who schedule their work around family commitments.

The loss of "office osmosis" has made collaboration more challenging. Previously, being in the same physical space allowed for spontaneous interactions, quick chats, and the ability to "read the room." In a hybrid environment, managers must be more intentional about fostering collaboration. This involves a shift in focus from inputs to outcomes, increased transparency, and a greater emphasis on building social capital. Managers must also play the roles of coach, collaborator, and facilitator more than ever before.

Another critical aspect is the team's culture. In the past, culture was often centred around the office environment. With the introduction of remote work, employees may feel disconnected from the company's culture due to reduced in-person interactions and fewer opportunities for community building. Managers now have the responsibility of making sure that the team's culture remains strong and cohesive, even when members are working remotely.

To navigate these challenges, managers can benefit from hybrid work courses, such as the one offered by CultureGene. Such courses equip managers with strategies to balance flexibility with structure, foster effective communication, and maintain a strong team culture in a hybrid work environment.

Best practices for SaaS founders

Deepen communication channels

While tools like Slack and Zoom are standard in the tech world, the way they're used can make all the difference. Justin Langen from Uncapped emphasises the importance of clear communication, noting the practices they've put in place to “ensure we clearly communicate what is happening across the business.” Consider implementing asynchronous communication methods, using tools like Loom for video updates, or Notion for collaborative documentation, to ensure everyone stays in the loop without overwhelming real-time chats.

Reinforce vision and values

Remote teams can sometimes feel detached from the company's core mission. Regularly share stories that exemplify company values in action, and consider hosting quarterly vision alignment sessions where teams can discuss and reflect on the company's direction. In a hybrid work environment, the loss of "office osmosis" means that culture-building can't be left to chance. Create opportunities for spontaneous interactions, even in a virtual setting, and host monthly or quarterly culture workshops to revisit and reinforce the company's core values.

Innovative virtual bonding

Beyond the usual virtual happy hours, consider more engaging activities like online escape rooms, collaborative gaming sessions, or even virtual reality meetups for those with the tech. These unique experiences can foster deeper connections among team members.

Advanced tool integration

While basic tools are a given, explore integrations and bots that can enhance their functionality. For instance, use Slack bots for stand-up meetings, or integrate Trello with automation tools to streamline workflows. The key is to optimise these tools to reduce manual tasks and enhance team productivity.

Adaptive work structures

Recognise that not all remote workers have the same needs. Some may prefer strict schedules, while others thrive in a more flexible environment. Implement a system where team members can choose their preferred working style, be it time-blocked days or outcome-based tasks. Regular check-ins make sure that team members feel connected and supported, addressing any concerns and providing a platform for feedback.

Continuous upskilling

The tech world evolves rapidly. Instead of generic online courses, consider partnerships with platforms like Coursera or Udemy for specialised courses tailored to your team's needs. Encourage knowledge sharing sessions where team members can teach others about new tools, languages, or methodologies they've mastered.

Invest in training for managers

Recognising the unique challenges of managing hybrid teams, invest in specialised training for managers. Equip them with the skills and strategies to foster a cohesive team culture, even when members are spread out geographically.


Building a cohesive culture in remote SaaS teams is a journey, not a destination. By understanding the challenges, listening to what employees want, and implementing best practices, SaaS founders can create an environment where innovation thrives, and employees feel valued and connected.

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