Smart finance function®

We'll build and run an efficient, well-controlled finance function that will tell you what happened yesterday, what's happening today and what's likely to happen tomorrow, giving you the insight and confidence you need to grow your business.

Efficient, well-controlled and insightful

If you want a scalable business, you need solid foundations for growth, and for that, you need infrastructure, governance and data-based insight to make timely decisions.

Within 50 days, we'll deliver the foundations of an end-to-end smart finance function® that is set up to deliver actionable data, bring greater efficiency and governance to your business and deliver improved management reporting.

flinder smart finance function methodology diagram
Book a free discovery call

93% of senior finance leaders expect to see a finance function that is leaner (with fewer employees), digital and data-driven. (Source: Gartner)

Your elastic finance team®

Our award-winning, multi-disciplined finance team work with fast-growth tech, SaaS and e-commerce businesses to bring their collective experience to deliver the right technology, best processes, relevant data and operational insight to you. 

From data specialists to bookkeepers, finance managers to finance controllers and CFOs, our team brings a mix of tactical, operational and strategic experience at various levels that can flex to grow (or shrink) as your business scales and needs change. 

The result is the accelerated deployment of a finance function that’s efficient, well-controlled, insightful and integrates with the broader strategy of the business.

Group sitting on pink desk working on laptops

Are you:

  • Making decisions based on gut instead of on data?
  • Fed up with historical data from your accountant that lacks forward-looking insight?
  • Struggling to keep control of your finances as the business scales?
  • Spending too much time and resource preparing data and not enough time taking action from it?

How we do it - the flinder effect

Successful finance functions share three common characteristics: efficiency, control, and insight.  But, if a finance function is too well controlled, it’s at the expense of being efficient. If a finance function lacks efficiency, it’s often at the expense of creating insight.

As part of our 50-day smart finance function plan, we put in place the right people, processes, technology and harness data from integrating finance and operational systems across your business.

flinder smart finance function methodology diagram

Your first 50 days with flinder

  • Mobilise team & schedule knowledge transfer session
  • Gather initial requirements
  • Hold knowledge transfer session
  • Hold management information requirements session
  • Review finance system
Understand your business and existing processes.
  • Detailed design of new processes
  • Design new finance chart of accounts/data structures
  • Design management information
  • Agree detailed transition plan
  • Register for HMRC agent access
Better controlled and more efficient processes agreed.
  • Move and improve processes
  • Cleanse data
  • Improve finance system, data flow and ways of working
  • Build management information reporting
Communication channels and ways of working set. Improved and aligned management information reporting.
  • Cutover to new processes
  • Embed new ways of working
  • Services go live (transaction processing, period-end close, reporting, CFO support)
Finance function aligned and working together with the business.
  • Hypercare
  • Business as usual
  • Feedback & continuous improvement
Greater insight (strategic finance meeting, management reporting and management commentary).
Improved control environment.

Why a smart finance function® from flinder?

  • We’re an award-winning company with a track record of helping fast-growth tech, SaaS and e-commerce companies scale faster.
  • We know what works for investors. We know what they look for; from leading practice processes and controls to reporting and Board support. Companies we have worked with have raised over £400 million from investors.
  • We're at the cutting edge of building and running smart finance functions®. As finance and data operations specialists with Big Four backgrounds, we know what leading practice finance functions look like.
Save time, money and grow your business with better connected technology and processes.