Forget growth at all costs: London VCs now focused on sustainable growth


From relying on VCs to self-sufficiency: Crafting a self-sustained future in tech.

Over the past decade, London’s VC scene pursued rapid growth and high cash burn rates. In the last 12 months, the mood has shifted. The era of chasing exponential growth fuelled by hefty VC investments is giving way to a new paradigm: sustainable, controlled growth. This article delves into how this shift impacts the strategies of start-ups and investors alike.

The new VC perspective: Efficiency over speed

Gone are the days when London's VCs were dazzled by sheer growth rates. Now, the focus is on building robust, enduring companies. This means prioritising operational efficiency, lower EBITDA losses, and manageable growth rates. It's a move from growth at any cost to growth with a plan.

The decline of cash burn culture

Start-ups are now re-evaluating their spending, moving away from aggressive cash burn to a more measured, strategic approach. This pivot is not just about cutting costs but about smart financial management that extends a start-up's runway and enhances its chances of reaching profitability.

Rethinking growth metrics

The traditional 100% year-on-year growth target is being reassessed. London's tech scene is now embracing a more realistic growth model that balances ambition with financial health. It's about growing within your means, making sure that each step forward is sustainable and financially sound.

Building a sustainable business model

The goal for start-ups is no longer just to grow fast but to build a solid foundation for long-term success. This involves focusing on key revenue drivers, optimising operations, and setting a viable path to break-even. Profitability is now valued over sheer scale.

Practical recommendations for founders

Focus on unit economics

Understanding and optimising unit economics is crucial. It's about balancing the cost of acquiring a customer against the lifetime value they provide. This balance is the cornerstone of a sustainable business model, making sure that each customer contributes positively to the bottom line. However, payback period also needs to be considered when focusing on limiting cash burn. Customer acquisition cost, lifetime value and payback, along with cash burn are fundamental metrics to focus on.

Streamline operations

Efficiency in operations is key. Assess every process and system for potential improvements. This might mean automating repetitive tasks, outsourcing non-core activities, or reengineering processes for better performance. Streamlining operations not only cuts costs but also enhances productivity and service quality. It also brings with it agility and being able to implement decisions faster.

Build a strong team culture with buy-in

A strong team culture is vital. It's about creating an environment where everyone is aligned with the company's vision and goals. Encourage open communication, recognise achievements, and invest in team development. A team that believes in the company's direction will go above and beyond to achieve its objectives.

Engage with customers

Deep customer engagement is more important than ever. It's not just about selling; it's about building relationships. Understand your customers' needs and preferences, and tailor your offerings accordingly. Loyal customers provide a stable revenue stream and are often the best brand ambassadors.

Monitor cash flow regularly and closely

Regular and close monitoring of cash flow is essential. It provides a real-time picture of the financial health of your business. This vigilance enables you to make informed decisions, anticipate problems, and adjust strategies promptly. Some actionable steps could include:

  • Implement a weekly cash flow review: Schedule a weekly meeting to review your cash position. Make sure your finance function is up to date with reporting to give you an up to date and accurate overview.
  • Set up alerts: Configure alerts for when cash balances fall below a certain threshold or when large invoices are due.
  • Use cash flow forecasting: Employ forecasting tools to project future cash flows based on current data, helping you anticipate and prepare for any shortfalls.

Focus on stripping back unnecessary costs

Be ruthless in cutting unnecessary costs. Review all expenses and ask whether they’re essential for your business. This discipline in cost management is not about being penny-wise and pound-foolish but about making sure that every pound spent contributes to the company's strategic goals. Some actionable steps could include:

  • Conduct a monthly expense audit: Regularly review all expenses. Question the necessity and ROI of each item, from software subscriptions to office amenities, go through all your general ledger expenses.
  • Negotiate with suppliers: Don’t hesitate to renegotiate contracts or seek alternative suppliers for better rates.
  • Embrace remote work: Consider a hybrid or fully remote work model to reduce office space costs and utility bills.

Scenario planning

Prepare for various market scenarios. The business landscape is ever-changing, and flexibility is key. Develop plans for different situations, whether it's a market downturn, a new competitor, or a change in customer behaviour. Being prepared means you can pivot quickly and effectively. Some actionable steps could include:

  • Develop a risk matrix: Identify potential risks and their impacts on your business. Assign probabilities, impacts and create strategies for each likely scenario.
  • Create a ‘war room’ strategy: For each high-probability scenario, develop a detailed action plan. This could include cost-cutting measures, diversification strategies, or new marketing approaches.
  • Regularly update and review plans: As the market evolves, revisit and adjust your scenarios and strategies accordingly. This ensures your business remains agile and prepared for change.

Focusing on a few but strategic OKRs

Adopt a focused approach to your objectives and key results (OKRs). Rather than spreading resources thin over many goals, concentrate on a few strategic ones that will have the most impact. This focus ensures that efforts are aligned and that you achieve meaningful progress in your key areas. Obsess over these and make sure the entire team are working to those same goals.


The London tech scene is evolving, prioritising long-term viability over short-term gains. This shift towards sustainable growth models signifies a maturation of the ecosystem. For founders, this means embracing a new growth narrative: one where stability, efficiency, and profitability are as important as growth itself. In this new era, building a stable business is the first step; growth will naturally follow.

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