Leveraging social media for e-commerce growth in 2024


Harnessing the power of platforms: Transforming followers into customers in the digital age.


In the dynamic digital realm of 2023, the e-commerce landscape is being radically reshaped by the unprecedented power of social media. The two realms, once distinct, are now intricately interwoven, leading brands to re-evaluate their strategies. For e-commerce founders in this bustling market, understanding this evolving synergy is more than just a competitive advantage – it's a necessity.

The evolution of social commerce

Once, social platforms were where you connected with friends; now, they're where you connect with brands. Platforms like Instagram Shopping, Facebook Marketplace, and Pinterest's "Shop the Look", TikTok Shopping, and Snapchat's Dynamic Ads are breaking barriers, allowing users to transition from passive viewers to active shoppers seamlessly. This shift doesn't just change how we shop – it's reinventing the very ethos of e-commerce, making sure that the online shopping experience is tailored, interactive, and deeply personal.

The rise of livestream social commerce

Drawing inspiration from Asia, platforms are introducing live shopping features, blending entertainment with e-commerce. These live sessions transcend transactional engagements, transforming passive observers into active participants, infused with a palpable sense of urgency and excitement. TikTok, for instance, has ventured into live stream shopping, allowing creators to showcase products during their live streams, with viewers having the option to purchase in real-time. According to a recent article by The Drum, the social commerce industry is poised to reach $1.2tn by 2025, with a significant contribution from livestream shopping.

Spotlight on the UK: Emerging brands harnessing social commerce

Lucy & Yak

What began as a modest independent brand now stands as a testament to the power of community-driven marketing. Lucy & Yak's Instagram, awash with vibrant, sustainable clothing, isn't its sole strength. Their real genius lies in their "Instagram Lives", where they forge genuine connections with consumers. In a world teeming with brands, they've achieved what all aspire to: a dedicated, passionate community that champions their ethos and products.

Patch Plants

Bringing the outdoors in has never been so stylish. Patch Plants, targeting the urban populace, doesn’t merely sell plants. Via platforms like Pinterest and Instagram, they provide an education, from plant care to aesthetic home arrangements. By creating content that addresses the joys and pitfalls of 'plant parenting', they've established themselves as more than a retailer—they're mentors in the world of greenery.

NIO Cocktails

In the crowded realm of alcoholic beverages, NIO Cocktails offers a fresh approach. Their Instagram isn't just a gallery of enticing cocktails; it's an educational platform. Dive deeper, and you discover tales of mixology, the origins of each drink, and the art of blending flavours. Each post, story, and reel ensures that when customers order a NIO Cocktail, they're not just buying a drink—they're buying an experience.

The fandom concept in social commerce

The power of fandom cannot be underestimated in the realm of social commerce. Brands that have cultivated a dedicated and passionate community find that their fans not only purchase products but also become brand ambassadors, sharing and promoting the brand's ethos and products. This organic form of marketing, driven by genuine love and enthusiasm for the brand, amplifies its reach and impact.

Strategies to supercharge social commerce growth

Harnessing user-generated content (UGC)

Today's consumers are content creators. Encouraging them to share their product experiences not only provides authentic marketing but also fosters community spirit. It's not just about showcasing products – it's about showcasing experiences, creating an aspirational brand narrative that potential consumers yearn to be a part of.

AR and VR integration

A static image is worth a thousand words, but an immersive AR experience? Priceless. Integrating AR ensures consumers can visualise products in their space or even on themselves. It bridges the experiential gap inherent in online shopping, reducing return rates and enhancing user satisfaction.

Influencer collaborations and authenticity

The influencer market is saturated, but therein lies an opportunity. By partnering with niche, micro-influencers whose values echo the brand, companies can tap into dedicated communities. It's no longer about vast reach but about genuine, impactful engagement.

Leveraging data insights for personalisation

Each like, share, and comment is a data point. Aggregating and analysing these data points allow brands to craft tailored experiences for their audience. From personalised product recommendations to optimised posting times, data ensures that the brand message reaches the right ears at the right time.

Challenges and considerations for e-commerce founders

Navigating algorithm changes

Social media is in constant flux. Today's trending post can be tomorrow's digital ghost. Founders must remain agile, keeping abreast of platform changes and adjusting strategies to ensure consistent visibility.

Maintaining brand authenticity

As platforms become increasingly commercial, maintaining a genuine brand voice is challenging. It's a fine balance between promotion and connection, between selling a product and selling a vision.

Platform diversification

Relying heavily on one platform is a risky game. Founders must craft a cohesive multi-platform narrative, ensuring brand consistency while leveraging the unique strengths of each platform. For instance, while TikTok's partnership with Shopify allows merchants to tap into a young audience, Snapchat's Shoppable AR provides an interactive shopping experience. Diversifying across these platforms can offer a broader reach and varied engagement opportunities.


In 2023, the harmonious union of social media and online retail presents a realm of unparalleled opportunities. Brands that resonate are those that don't just sell products – they sell experiences. However, the flip side of this evolution is stark. Brands that fail to embrace the transformative power of social commerce risk being left behind, losing relevance in an increasingly competitive market. They may face declining engagement, missed revenue opportunities, and a diminishing connection with the digital-first consumer.

As the boundaries between social interaction and commerce continue to blur, the stakes have never been higher. Brands that ignore this shift risk alienating a generation of consumers who seek interactive, personalised, and seamless shopping experiences. In contrast, those that harness the synergy of social commerce stand to create meaningful connections, foster authentic engagement, and chart a course toward a commerce landscape that's more dynamic and interconnected than ever before.

In this era of digital transformation, the choice is clear: adapt and thrive or remain static and risk obsolescence. As we stand at the precipice of this transformative landscape, let's remember that the future belongs to those who are agile, innovative, and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the digital consumer.

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